
I had Kevin and his girlfriend Jamie from Forked River, NJ out for a 6hr ocean fluke/sea bass trip. This was their first time jigging for fluke so there were quite a few swings and misses before they started to get the hang of it. There was little to no drift so there wasn’t a ton of action, but we were able to work some pieces of structure and catch over a dozen shorts as well as 2 solid keepers that were 25” and 21.5”, weighing in at 6.0lbs and 4.0lbs. Halfway through the trip we were also surrounded by hundreds of spinner sharks jumping out of the water and a couple of them even hit the side of the boat. We hooked up with a couple and Kevin and Jamie were able to catch and release their first sharks. It was a great day on the water and we’ll see you guys during the fall striped bass season!
